Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-i) Group

A 7-week in-person group for treating insomnia

CBT-i is a psychological intervention that is designed to help you change some behaviours (sleep habits, sleep schedules) as well as thoughts and beliefs (worries about sleeplessness and its consequences) that contribute to maintaining your insomnia. The main objective is to help you improve your sleep and your daytime functioning. To achieve these goals, you will be provided with direct guidance from your therapist, and you will be responsible for implementing his/her clinical recommendations at home.

This treatment has been developed by psychologists as an alternative to medication therapies. Clinical research has tested CBT-i extensively in many clinics throughout the world and it has been shown to be effective with thousands of individuals suffering from insomnia problems. This treatment will help improve your sleep and, most importantly, develop self-management skills to regain control of sleep and cope more adaptively with occasional sleep difficulties you may encounter even after completing this program. Research has shown that CBT-i produces sleep improvements that are well maintained long after completing treatment.

Our Group Facilitators

Amélie Vézina

Doctoral Associate at Uprise Psychology & Wellness and PhD student at the Center for Studies on Sleep Disorders of uLaval

Mackenzie Bacon

Registered Psychotherapist at Uprise Psychology & Wellness

Dr. Melisa Arias-Valenzuela

Supervised by Dr. Melisa Arias-Valenzuela, C. Psych., CPO # 6862.

Getting Started is Easy

Step 1

Sign up for the first session here.


Step 2

Complete our screening questionnaire.

Step 3

Our group leader will contact you to confirm eligibility and answer your questions.


Group Details

Our small group (max. 6 participants) will meet for 90 minutes over 7 consecutive weeks

When: Tuesdays evenings 6-7h30pm from July 9th to Aug 20th
Where: 130 Albert street, Suite 1204 (Desert Room), Ottawa, ON, K1P 5G4
Who: For those suffering with chronic insomnia and interested in trying a psychological treatment to find restful sleep
Cost: 656.25$ per participant, 93.75$ per session (Reimbursed by most extended health benefits)


Week 1: Psychoeducation on sleep and insomnia; introduction to the self-management approach

Week 2: How to develop sleep promoting habits

Week 3: Basic principles of good sleep hygiene; what to do when you can’t sleep

Week 4: Debunking sleep myths and adopting beliefs and attitudes promoting good sleep

Week 5: Helpful strategies to address worries

Week 6: Introduction to mindfulness meditation 

Week 7: How to maintain good sleep

For more information please email us at [email protected]